
A Song of Ice and Fire…And Ale

I’ve just finished book five.  I can say this is one of my favorite series of all time.  I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy, and I think this one has the most drinking.

Can you think of any other series with as much imbibing?

Seriously.  When I read I like to drink. And, while it doesn’t stop me, I dislike drinking alone.  But put a book full of debauchery and breaking fasts with strong dark ale in my hands and I have a full cast of characters to drink with.

There’s this, which I think has drink recommendations.  So that’s cool, but not anywhere near having so many good friends to drink with.

Please tell me about another good drinking series, please!

The heart of the Earth…ice cream

I’m Drinking:  Iron Fist Brewing Velvet Glove Stout

Beets are really weird.  I’ve always thought of them as tomatoes mixed with carrots.  But in my household beets are called the heart of the earth and are eaten with everything and made into juice every morning.  I’m glad to see someone decided to make something fun with them…

That’s beet ice cream everyone.  Brace yourselves for the health.