
Beer is big business in Western North Carolina | The Asheville Citizen-Times |

Great article in the Citizen-Times about the craft beer industry here in AVL.

“The question is often asked — can Asheville support so many craft breweries? Is this just a fad that is sure to fade?”

I say, not by a long shot.

Beer is big business in Western North Carolina

Even Cupid Couldn’t Miss

This is a great list, but I think its missing a couple AVL aphrodisiacs…

Firstly, Oyster House Moonstone Oyster Stout.  Full of the Aphrodite holding aphrodisiac oyster.

Sexual Chocolate is there, and you can find it here, but we can find something closer.

My recommendation, Burial Esprit Sauvage Saison Imperial.  In my opinion this is the best AVL brewery and this is one of their best brews.  I’ve already done a tasting on it but I can’t stop buying bottles.  Really good stuff. | Find Love with Craft Beer Aphrodisiacs.

This Article Is A Farce

This article is just ridiculous.  “Beyond-bourbon barrel”(sic)..?  You think schochu or whatever it’s called is beyond bourbon barrels?!  I’ll tell you what’s beyond bourbon barrels…


And I can’t find anything about this but wouldn’t it be sweet if there were some casks made out of some specific set of hard minerals?  Like, I’m making a stout and want some more of whatever the fuck it is to give it body and so I age it with some bourbon barrel chips in this stone cask.

Whaddaya think?


10 beyond-bourbon barrel-aged beers